Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Recipe for Success: Business Plan

Writing a business plan is like creating your own recipe, you need to gather the ingredients together, set out your equipment, assess your working space and create a plan that is tailor-made for you. Getting it right involves lots of preparation and attention to detail. You can't skip any steps.

Start by putting your ingredients in order:

1. Who--- Who is your target market? Who is your ideal client? What is the
research to be done for finding out more about the target market?

2. What--- What does your ideal client want? What does your product and services
do for them? What problems of your customer are solved by your product? What
solutions does your client require? What is your USP that makes you unique?
What are industry trends? What will make your client react? What are you
selling? (For e.g.: are you selling eyeglasses or vision?) What is your brand of
product and services? What would be the price?

3. Where--- Where is your ideal client? Geographically where are they located?
Where will you position yourself for their easy reach? Where will they get you
marketing messages from? Will you go through personal conversations, hold
seminars or write a blog, newsletter or article?

4. When--- How frequent will you send out your marketing messages? When are
your clients most likely to purchase?

5. Why--- Why are you in business? Why will customers come to you? Why should
they not go to your competitors and choose your products?

6. How--- How does your customer purchase? How will you reach out to potential
clienteles? How are you going to communicate your marketing strategies? How
will you provide information to your customers to make their buying decision?

7. Marketing mindset--- Try to master a marketing mindset and your
business will move towards profits and success.

Reference: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.smashwords.com%2Fbooks%2Fdownload%2F35033%2F1%2Flatest%2F0%2F0%2Ftips-and-tricks-for-success-for-young-entrepreneurs.pdf&ei=gEBaUqyRA4SRrQecwIC4DQ&usg=AFQjCNH8q8YIVHwmPCWc5ufDdgvmnnLuBQ&sig2=fqsvHtoJHPPwwM3JUFVa-Q&bvm=bv.53899372,d.bmk

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